If you are an MKPConnect user and the information in the registration fields below is not automatically filled in, please log into MKPConnect first then reload this page.  This will  populate the form with your information. Not doing so will create a data error.  If you have difficulty please contact Support Services for assistance.

Your Registration Info
[MM/DD/YYYY] All attendees must have attained legal adulthood in the jurisdiction where the event is held.
Staff Application - MKPI English
I commit to take full responsibly for my thoughts, words and actions.
I commit to keep all my staff commitments.
I acknowledge that the Staff Training 1 (ST1) is required before my 4th staffing
Choose your community from the following list. If you are not part of a community, select None. If you do not see your community, select Not Yet Assigned.
Are you applying for Staff, MOS, or either?
Do you have current CPR certification? If so please enter Expiration Date here
Are you sponsoring someone for the weekend?
If yes, list names, relationships, and other pertinent info.
Are you attending an I-Group?
What is your I-Group facilitation experience?
Are you a Medic?
Are you a Blessed PRC Ceremony Leader?
Are you a Ritual Elder?
What is your intention for the weekend?
How are you living your mission?
What Gold are you bringing to the weekend?
How are you serving the community?